Professional Association
AEA L'Association des Enseignants Acadiens
La résilience : un pilier incontournable
AST Association of Science Teachers
Time for Science
Registration Limit: 650
ATA Art Teachers Association
Artful Minds
Registration Limit: 345
ATEC Association of Teachers of Exceptional Children
Teaching The Whole Child
Registration Limit: 1,100
ATENS Association of Teachers of English of Nova Scotia
How to Make “Non-Readers” Obsolete! & Strategies that Foster Independence and Boost Stamina
NSTU Building 3106 Joseph Howe Drive | Halifax, NS
Registration Limit: 80
ATYA Association of Teachers of Young Adolescents
ATYA Best!
Registration Limit: 250
BETA Business Education Teachers Association
Pulling Back the Curtain: The Business of Entertainment
Registration Limit: 100
CTEANS Career and Technology Education Association
Growing Trades and Careers
Registration Limit: 300
EDANS Educational Drama Association of Nova Scotia
Dramatize Me! Unleashing the Inner Artist in Youth
Registration Limit: 250
FSTA Family Studies Teachers Association
Back to Basics
Registration Limit: 175
MTA Mathematics Teachers Association
Mathematics Illuminated
Registration Limit: 800
NSATEE Nova Scotia Association of Teachers for Equity in Education
Disability Justice
NSLTA Nova Scotia Language Teachers Association
The Language of Reconciliation
Registration Limit: 200
NSMEA Nova Scotia Music Educators' Association
Empowering Musicians
NSSCA Nova Scotia School Counsellors Association
Pathways to Wellness
Registration Limit: 700
NSTALL Nova Scotia Teachers Association for Literacy and Learning
Engagement through Collaboration
Registration Limit: 440
PETA Primary Elementary Teachers Association
Empowering Minds through Writing, Joy and Positivity!
Registration Limit: 400
PISA Psychologists in Schools Association
The Impact of Social Media on the Developing Adolescent Brain
Registration Limit: 330
SPAA Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Association
Executive Function: More than Just Attention
Registration Limit: 250
SSTA Social Studies Teachers Association
Charting our Course: Mapping Social Studies for Modern Learners
Registration Limit: 325
TAPHE Teachers Association for Physical and Health Education
Building Community Through PHE