Tips for Certification Upgrading

The Nova Scotia Department of Education is responsible for all certification and upgrading of teachers.  These tips are intended to help teachers best navigate this system.

  1. Include your professional number of all documents and correspondence.   Your professional number is your file reference number and is used to access your records/files at the certification office.
  2. Send all documents at one time. Do not submit until your application is  complete.
  3. Keep a copy in your own file of everything you send to, and receive from, the certification office.
  4. Know your stuff.  Teacher certification requirements, fees and procedures  change.  The website,, is the most up-to-date and accurate source of information.
  5. If you need detailed or more specific information not on the website, contact  the teacher certification office by mail, fax or email.
  6. Plan ahead .  Before hitting books, ensure that the registrar approves your  program of study for certification upgrade.

Click here to download a PDF of these tips.