The objectives of the Professional Associations are to:
• improve professional practice by increasing Members’ knowledge and understanding;
• disseminate ideas, trends, and new developments;
• advocate interests of the Professional Association, consistent with NSTU Policy and practice; and,
• advise the Professional Association Coordination Committee on matters of specific interest to the Professional Association.

Professional Associations

The Nova Scotia Teachers Union has 21 Professional Associations. Membership is open to all active, reserve and associate members of the NSTU.

The mandate of the professional associations is to provide the opportunity for member-initiated professional development. Associations assume major responsibility for encouraging and assisting in professional development activities in their respective fields.

🢂 NSTU Professional Association Conferences

On the fourth Friday in October of each year, NSTU members from around the province are invited to attend professional development conferences organized by our Professional Associations. The list of program offerings demonstrates a breadth of curriculum-based and other professional development opportunities that are designed to ensure Nova Scotia's students benefit from the latest pedagogical advances.

Professional Associations Directory

Below is a list of all NSTU Professional Associations, links to their respective website, and their fees to join:


L'Association des enseignants acadiens



Association of Science Teachers



Art Teachers Association



Association of Teachers of Exceptional Children



Association of Teachers of English of Nova Scotia



Association of Teachers of Young Adolescents



Business Education Teachers Association



Career and Technology Education Association of Nova Scotia



Educational Drama Association of Nova Scotia



Family Studies Teachers Association



Mathematics Teachers Association



Nova Scotia Association of Teachers for Equity in Education



Nova Scotia Language Teachers Association



Nova Scotia Music Educators' Association



Nova Scotia School Counsellors Association



Nova Scotia Teachers Association for Literacy and Learning



Primary Elementary Teachers Association



Psychologists in Schools Association



Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Association



Social Studies Teachers Association



Teachers Association for Physical and Health Education


Affiliated Organizations

🢂 Retired Teachers Organization

In June 2005, the Retired Teachers Association became the Retired Teachers Organization of the Nova Scotia Teachers Union. Its objectives, membership and operating constitution, with appropriate procedures, were incorporated into a new constitution approved by the Provincial Executive of the NSTU. The Retired Teachers Organization has its own executive, executive committee, standing committees, and branch locals throughout the province. Its mandate is to work within the NSTU to support retired teachers. Its mission advances, promotes and protects the welfare of its members.

The objectives of the Professional Associations are to:
• improve professional practice by increasing Members’ knowledge and understanding;
• disseminate ideas, trends, and new developments;
• advocate interests of the Professional Association, consistent with NSTU Policy and practice; and,
• advise the Professional Association Coordination Committee on matters of specific interest to the Professional Association.