
Provincial and Local committees play a very important part in NSTU activities. All provincial committees report to the Provincial Executive.

Would you like to serve the NSTU at the Provincial Level?

The NSTU needs input from the widest-possible cross section of its members in order to make the most effective contribution to education. Members serve on most provincial standing committees for a maximum of two years*, so we are constantly in search of skilled and interested persons to make our committee structure operate successfully. Committee membership is open to Active and Active Reserve Members.

Most Committee appointments are made at the June meeting of the Provincial Executive. On occasion, a vacancy will occur during the year, when such vacancies arise information on the vacancy will be posted to the NSTU website including an application form. 


*NSTU Operational Procedures state: Appointments to a committee will be for one defined term of two years. In extraordinary circumstances, an extension of one year is permissible.

You may download the NSTU Standing/Other Committees application form or apply online:

Download Committee Application Form

  Apply Online


The Nominating Committee will be accepting applications to Committees until 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 28, 2025.

Online Reservations for NSTU Committe Meetings

Completion of this online form will ensure that appropriate reservations will be made for your NSTU committee meeting. Reservations must be made through NSTU Central Office.

Please note: If you need to cancel your room, please advise the NSTU prior to 11:59 a.m. TWO DAYS BEFORE the reservation.

  Meeting Response Form