Preferred Email Contest
The NSTU email system will be discontinued on July 18, 2025, and as a result, you will lose access to your webmail account. To stay up-to-date on all NSTU communications we urge members to provide us with a personal (non-employer) email address by signing in to the NSTU membership registry and updating your account.
Visit to access your account.
For a step-by-step video tutorial on how to add a preferred email address to the NSTU registry profile click here. If you need additional assistance you can contact
As an added incentive, everyone who provides their personal (non-employer) email address by the end of June will be entered into a draw for one of 100, $50 Sobeys gift cards. The sooner you update your member registry the more chances you’ll have to win!
Being able to communicate directly with members is crucial for our union, especially in times of crisis and during NSTU elections and contract negotiations, so your immediate action is required.
Please see the poster below (or click here) for more information.